The corona virus pandemic has affected every life in our country. Many people fell sick, suffered the pain, and even died when failed to fight this COVID-19 virus. This destruction on a mass scale is still going on. It has even affected many powerful people including our honourable Home Minister Amit Shah Ji, whole Bachchan Family, and other celebrities as well. As per current stats, the death count has crossed 87,000 numbers and facing over 92,000 daily new cases. Thus, it has become essential to stay safe from this virus and protect your family in every possible manner. Here, we have shared some health tips and remedies to stay safe and increase your immunity.

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How To Protect Yourself From Corona Virus?

The very first thing that you must do is stay away from crowds and stay inside your home as much as possible. Never go to the market or any other place until its necessary. Always carry a pocket hand sanitizer and wear a good quality mask and avoid contact with people around you. These are the major directions that one should follow to stay safe. We have mentioned some vital and effective remedies to fight the corona virus. Kindly read and follow them

Remedies To Beat COVID-19 Virus:

Following are some tips and remedies to increase your immunity and fight corona virus:

1. Haldi Milk- Best Medicine For Corona Virus:

Consuming 1 glass of Haldi Milk two times a day increases your immunity and helps fight viruses and bacterias in your body. Haldi has both antiseptic and antibiotic properties. You should mix 3/4 tablespoon of Haldi or Turmeric in a glass of milk.

2. Tulsi Extracts:

There are many Tulsi Extract liquids available in the market which have antibiotic qualities. The Tulsi extract liquids are made from extracting juices from various species of Tulsi leaves. they are packed in a small bottle and available on every medical store. The best liquids available are Dabur Tulsi, Jolly Tulsi, and Patanjali Tulsi. Consume it as prescribed on the pack.

3. Take Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is one of the basic nutrients that boost the immunity of our body. So, you should consume fruits, vegetables, and juices which are Vitamin C enriched. These include- Orange, Apple, Kiwi, Amla, Green Chilli, Brocolli, Lemon Juice, Spinach, Tomato, Cabbage, and etc. If you can not include or afford these items in your regular food then you can buy Vitamin C Tablets from the medical store.

4. Take Zinc:

Zinc and Iron are the basic elements which build the immunity system. You may consume Guavas, Apricots, Avocados, Pomegranate, sprouts, spinach, sweet corn and etc. So as to fulfil the daily requirements of zinc and iron in your body. You may also visit the medical store and buy zinc tablets.

5. Consume Lukewarm Water:

As per expert doctors, when corona virus enters in your body it initially stays in your throat. If you consume only lukewarm water or warm water, the virus will flow down to the stomach and consecutively killed by the stomach acid. So, even if the virus has entered your body and if you are unaware of it, drinking warm water will help you very much.

6. Honey- Beat The Corona Virus with Sweetness:

Honey too is a source of Vitamin C and other nutrients that helps in increasing immunity and also benefits in cough and cold. You may consume it with lukewarm water in the morning or mix it up with “Sitopladi Churn” and consume. The mixture of Sitopladi Churn and honey make your body string against diseases like fever and cough.

7. Morning Yoga and Exercise:

It is said that most of the common body problems can be cured by doing Yoga. Corona virus widely affects the lungs and respiratory system of the human body. Thus, you must do Yogas like Pranayam and Kapalbhati which improve the respiratory system and increase immunity as well.

If you follow even 3 remedies or tips from above, you will always stay immune to the corona virus. So, use the above remedies and ask your friend and family to do the same and stay safe in this pandemic. If you love this post by Very First Fact, then kindly give us your valuable feedback in the comment section below and share it with your loved ones.
