If you’re a frequent business traveler, chances are good that you’ve spent some time in one of the world’s most popular cities. It’s not just about visiting landmarks and museums – there’s plenty more to see and do in the city center. To help you get the most out of your visit, here are five tips for navigating one of the world’s biggest cities:

1. Use public transportation

If you’re going to be traveling for work a lot, finding ways to make your life easier is essential. You’ll want to keep track of all your expenses, so you can stay on budget and not overspend. If you have to fly from city to city, using public transportation is one way to save money and efficiently get where you need to go. Public transportation is an inexpensive way for travelers to get around big cities. It’s also an environmentally friendly option for travelers who want to reduce their carbon footprint. First, you have to plan. Before booking flights or hotels, research local transportation options and check timetables online or by phone. It’s best to plan your trip in advance so that you know what times trains or buses run at certain times of day or night.

2. Set aside time for exploring

When it comes time for lunch or dinner, make sure that you allow yourself enough time to explore the city (both during the day and at night). You might not have enough time to see everything you want, but you can still make the most of your trip by planning ahead and doing some research before you go. If possible, try to get into town a day or two early so you can explore on your own. You’ll be amazed at how much there is new to see — even in places where you’ve traveled before – so don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone!

3. Use Google maps

Google Maps offers public transportation, walking, and driving directions, so it’s good for finding your way around a new town. The app also includes information about what’s nearby — so if you’re looking for a restaurant or store, just type in the name, and it will show up on the map along with its address and phone number. You can even share your location with friends and family, so they know where to pick you up at an airport or train station. You won’t always have access to Wi-Fi while traveling — especially if you’re visiting friends or family outside of a large city — so make sure to download offline maps before leaving home! Most smartphones allow users to download maps before leaving the area where they live, saving them from needing internet access while away. This can be especially helpful if you’ve never been somewhere before and don’t know how long it’ll take to get there.

4. Learn how to use taxis and Uber

Taxis are the most common way people get around in big cities. They’re convenient but can also be expensive if you don’t know the ins and outs of getting a good deal. If you’re going somewhere that isn’t within walking distance, consider taking a taxi instead of Uber or public transit. If your destination is within an Uber or Lyft service it will be cheaper than a taxi. But remember that ride-sharing services only operate in select cities and suburbs (and usually not during peak hours). Ride-sharing services often charge surge pricing during busy times — so check the app before you hail a ride and request one when demand is low (like early morning or late at night). When visiting bigger cities such as New York or Los Angeles, definitely consider hiring a personal driver in LA that can get you around the city since they are more familiar driving through traffic hours.

5. Ask your hotel if they provide shuttle services

The easiest way is to ask your hotel if they provide shuttle services. Some hotels provide shuttle services that will take guests anywhere within a certain radius of the hotel, including to and from the airport. This is especially helpful if you’re staying at a larger hotel in a city where public transportation is limited. You may even be able to negotiate a discount on your room if you decide to book with them because of their transportation services. Most hotels do and will usually let you know when they stop running so that you don’t miss them. If your hotel offers this service, use it whenever possible — especially if it’s free!

There is no right or wrong way to travel, but it’s helpful to get a better idea of what the options are. Hopefully, these ideas will make your next trip to a big, unfamiliar city easier and less stressful. Happy traveling!