This article is all about learning about the various http web framework and packages, including gin, net/http, and gorilla mux as you might have guessed from the title. When clients want to hire Golang developers for creating backend servers, they specifically want a fully functional server with no interruptions. Thus, we will take a look at how they vary from one another and which one is most suitable for building HTTP servers. So let’s get started.

What is the Gin Framework?

  • The most commonly used Golang framework is called Gin. Why? This is because this web framework is really quick, and it satisfies the needs of developers when they build microservices and online apps.
  • With Gin, programmers may condense the logic of a piece of code into a few handfuls of statements. This is so because the framework itself has undergone the bulk of the effort (coders have already worked on the framework to make lives easier for developers). The code is also simpler to read as a result.
  • It is simple to build a request-handling pipeline because of the use of reusable, modular components. It enables you to develop middleware that may be plugged into a single request handler, a collection of them in order to do this.

Aspects of the Gin Framework that Make it Popular 

It’s time to examine the many functions it provides:


The gin framework is open-source, meaning you may use it without paying anything. It is also available for further and ongoing enhancements from programmers throughout the world.

Quick as a Flash

Golang Gin is one of the fastest web frameworks available. Based on the extensive Gin gopher library, it is quick and efficient. It uses radix tree-based routing, a data structure that aids in the orderly grouping of IP addresses.

Rendering Resources

  • A response can be rendered by a web application in HTML, XML, JSON, text, or another format.
  • Data is routinely returned in response to API endpoints and microservices, typically in JSON format. Gin provides an easy-to-use API for XML, JSON, and HTML rendering.
  • Gin is one framework that validates and parses a request’s JSON by making sure that all necessary values are there.


  • Routing is one of the core features that all modern frameworks include. Using a URL, one can access any web page or API endpoint. Gin offers a speedy router that is easy to set up and use. In addition to processing particular URLs, Gin routers also handle patterns and groups of URLs. The performance of the groups doesn’t suffer from infinite nesting.

Meanwhile, if you are working on a Golang project and you need assistance, you must not hesitate to hire Golang developers. They will guide you with every step of the project. 

What is Gorilla Mux?

  • One of the most potent routers that aids in route definition simplification is Gorilla Mux. The multiplexer can combine HTTP routes to different handlers.
  • It is a package that modifies the default HTTP router in Go. It offers a ton of features that make the work of web app developers much more productive. Other HTTP libraries may be used in combination with the package.

Attributes of Gorilla Mux that Make it So Special

In this section, we will focus on the various features of Gorilla Mux.

Development of Routers

  • The gorilla/mux package mostly assists in the building of routers, much like HttpRouter does. One of the two ways may be distinguished from the other by the presence of a handler function on a given URL.
  • The basic ServeMux technique is similar to the Gorilla/Mux approach of adding a handler. Unlike HttpRouter, gorilla/mux combines all the data from an HTTP request into a single request object.


  • You may use muxRouter’s Walk function to traverse every route that has been registered on a router.
  • You may also limit the routes using Gorilla Mux to a domain or subdomain.
  • Although nested routes are only inspected if the parent route matches, it is feasible to use routes as sub-routers. This is useful for grouping routes with recurrent attributes like a host, a path prefix, or other characteristics. This enhances request matching as well.


  • Requests can be matched using HTTP methods, custom matchers, or the URL host, path, header, path prefix, schemes, and query values.
  • CORSMethodMiddleware sets the Access-Control-Allow-Methods response header to every method matchers on the route whenever a request for a route with an OPTIONS method matcher is made.

Authenticated URLs

  • Query values, URL hosts, and paths can all be utilized with variables that include an additional regular expression.
  • Resource references can be preserved by using registered URLs that have been “reversed.”

Assistance with the Middleware

When a match is made, Mux enables middlewares to be added to a Router, where they are then executed together with their subroutines in the sequence they were added.

Consideration of a Few Features that Set Gin and Gorilla Mux Apart | Gorilla Mux vs Gin

  • Developers believe that the routing is simpler and more flexible using gorilla mux. They frequently encounter unanticipated situations with the gin framework that they are unable to handle.
  • For the task of creating middlewares and specifying route specifications, the majority of developers choose Gorilla Mux over Gin. For customizable response authoring, validation, exporting JSON, and other capabilities, they select gin.
  • Many programmers consider it prudent to stay with lightweight programs like gorilla mux rather than cumbersome frameworks like gin. They are all in favor of utilizing Golang’s standard libraries.
  • You have your work cut out for you with gin since there is a lot to learn. Contrarily, Gorilla Mux adheres to the Golang handler signature, saving you time from having to understand it.
  • Despite the fact that the gin framework simplifies the software, most developers are hesitant to adopt it. The framework increases the project’s dependency count, which occasionally causes compatibility problems. The framework is non-idiomatic and does not make use of all the most current Golang improvements.

What Does the net/http Package in Golang do? 


Any developer must be knowledgeable about this package because it is one of the most crucial and straightforward. So what is the purpose of the package? With the help of this package, you can build strong HTTP servers in Go using effective compositional principles.


When performing CRUD activities, developers can generate HTTP requests with the aid of httpPost and httpget. The package is also important for response objects and routing. 


The package enables the maintenance of clear and concise code. The same principles are true whether you employ frameworks like Beego or gin. The procedures are quite unique, though.

Typical Actions

The http.Handlefunc function, which informs the server which functions to invoke to handle HTTP requests, must first be used in order to use the package successfully. After that, it is customary to employ the http.ListenAndServe directive, which aids in starting the server and causes it to pay attention to requests.

Gorilla Mux vs Gin vs net/http

What Distinguishes net/http from Gorilla Mux?

  • For the majority of developers, the net/http package is enough when it comes to building web servers. However, the gorilla mux streamlines the development procedure, particularly if you want to build a sophisticated REST API.
  • You must build a custom multiplexer using Gorilla, which is provided at no cost to you, for good paths that use variables, but net/http’s ServeMux HTTP performs an outstanding job of routing inbound requests for fixed URL pathways.
  • It is challenging to serve RESTful resources using the proper HTTP methods when using the standard http.ServeMux.
  • With the help of gorilla’s mux package, requests may be matched based on the URL host, schemes, path prefix, header and query data, and HTTP methods.

You will see that most developers prefer the gorilla mux library over the net/http package when it comes to user preference.

What Distinguishes net/http from the Gin framework?

  • Gin has route registration wrappers, so the boilerplate is at a minimum. Gin gives you access to a few additional useful deserialization wrappers so you don’t have to worry about the boilerplate that goes along with the JSON.unmarshal method.
  • Gin makes use of httprouter, which performs operations more quickly than those required by the net/http package. We don’t use a switch statement to identify the request’s method because of the gin.Context object elegantly abstracts away from the request/response.
  • Gin uses tokens to simplify the process when dealing with route parameters. On the other hand, net/http is a bad choice if you need to create complicated pathways.
  • The gin framework and the net/http package each have benefits when it comes to middleware. The gin framework is just different in that there is less code.

If the usage is taken into account, then developers tend to use Gin more than the net/http package. 

Now, you would have no problem in deciding which package or framework to go for when developing an HTTP web framework.

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